We offer sales, repairs and service of opto-electronic devices. We make technical condition assessments. We provide deliveries of spare parts, as well as modification of selected products.

Products for ZU-23-2

Photo Name Comments
TChP-U TChP-U universal telescope for fireless alignment of gun-sight
Przyrząd do sprawdzania prostoliniowości lufy Device for checking barrel straightness
Przyrząd do sprawdzania wydłużenia komory nabojowej Device for checking elongation of the cartridge chamber
Lornetka pryzmatyczna 7×45 (z) 7×45 (z) prism binoculars
Celownik kolimatorowy K-10 T K-10 T collimator sight
Celownik T-3 T-3 sight

Due to a large number of versions and types of opto-electronic devices used in the presented vehicles, the names used are examples. We supply parts, repair and service for most types and versions of opto-electronic devices.