We offer sales, repair and service of opto-electronic equipment. We perform technical condition assessments. We provide delivery of spare parts, as well as modification of selected products.

We have the ability to cover daylight observation devices with anti-laser filters to prevent damage to the crews’ eyesight.

During the modification (passivation) of night-vision optical devices we use image intensifiers of renowned manufacturers.

Products for BRDM-2

Photo Name Comments
TWNO-2 /M TWNO-2 driver's night vision
TPKU-2B TPKU-2B commander’s day observation device
TKN-1S /M TKN-1S /M commander's night vision
TNPT-1 TNPT-1 periscope
TNP-B TNP-8 periscope
TNP-A TNP-A periscope
TNPO-160 TNPO-160 periscope
BMP-190 BMP-190 periscope
Szkło celownika peryskopowego Glass of the periscope sight
PP-61A PP-61A device
Lornetka pryzmatyczna 7×45 (z) 7×45 (z) prism binoculars
TChP-U TChP-U telescope for fireless alignment of gun-sight

Due to a large number of versions and types of opto-electronic devices used in the presented vehicles, the names used are examples. We supply parts, repair and service for most types and versions of opto-electronic devices.